Entries by Encor Bio

The New Web Site again…

We we have certainly had some problems with the new website, but not as much as Health.gov, as a few customers did actually manage to navigate the system well enough to successfully buy things. We are on this though and will be working hard to get everything working smoothly. One cool thing is our slideshow […]

The New Web Site…

Well the new web site is more or less working now, though we still have to iron out quite a few little problems. If you are having trouble ordering anything, just call 352 372 7022, fax 352 372 7066, email to [email protected] or use our older on line order forms for purchase orders at here, […]

New Antibodies

We announce two new mouse monoclonal antibodies to tubulin, the major protein of microtubules and one of the major proteins of mammalian cells. These antibodies are excellent for visualizing microtubules in cells in tissue culture. They are also very useful western blotting standards, producing extremely strong and clean signals. Details will be posted in the […]